Media Contact: Lucie Fornasiero; EAFocus Communications;; 248.925.6726
Wyandotte, Mich. —November 14, 2023 – As part of Michigan Credit Union League’s second annual CU Kind Day, held October 9, Michigan Legacy Credit Union (MLCU) joined its credit union colleagues throughout the state to to showcase the credit union difference that credit unions make by donations, volunteerism and community and educational support throughout the year. Carma Peters, president and CEO of Michigan Legacy, is always eager to exercise one of the seven cooperative principles of credit unions related to this effort: concern for the community.
“Giving back to the communities we serve is such an important part of who Michigan Legacy and the greater credit union community are,” Peters noted. “When choosing this year’s CU Kind Day initiative, we really wanted to make sure the impact was directly in the communities where we are.”
This year, Michigan Legacy supported four different community organizations with a donation of $750 each. They are:
- Downriver Youth Performing Arts Center
- Highland Activity Center
- Pontiac Public Library
- Winning Futures
The organizations are located in areas Michigan Legacy serves and represent a variety of community initiatives from youth theater and tutoring to public education and adult care.
Additionally, Michigan Legacy followed up on its 2022 CU Kind Day donation to Mount Clemens-based Turning Point, an organization that provides services to survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, and human trafficking. As part of last year’s effort, MLCU partnered with Turning Point to help survivors safely open an account and deposited an initial $250. Survivors who kept their account open for the year received an additional $250 deposit.
About Michigan Legacy Credit Union
Michigan Legacy Credit Union (MLCU) is a member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative serving members who live, work, worship, attend school, or own a business in the state of Michigan. Michigan Legacy Credit Union is committed to providing quality financial services at a competitive price, delivered professionally and efficiently while keeping member/owners and their needs first. For additional information on MLCU, visit: