Engaging format guided industry members on how to legitimately utilize logos, art, copyrights and trademarks in the personalization of their customized products
Media Contact: Barbara Fornasiero, EAFocus Communications; barbara@eafocus.com; 248.260.8466
Troy, Mich.—February 24, 2022—Michael Stewart, co-founding member and managing partner of intellectual property specialty law firm Fishman Stewart, PLLC, spoke at the International Awards & Personalization Expo on February 23 in Las Vegas. The Awards and Personalization Association is a professional networking group of creators, retailers and suppliers of personalized and customized items.
In an educational session titled, The Dos and Do Nots of Logos, Art, Copyrights and Trademarks, Stewart discussed the importance of properly using and protecting intellectual property when putting together awards, gifts and other personalized products—and welcomed the opportunity to answer pertinent questions like:
- Can you reproduce for sale that perfect clip art you found on the web? What if you change it slightly?
- A member of your local Rotary International Club wants plaques. Are you allowed to engrave their logo?
- Can the local university really sue you for putting their logo on one mug?
- Can you get in trouble for putting a famous trademark on a bunch of T-shirts that will be used at a local family reunion?
- And what about the designs you create? Who owns the rights to your creation and how can you keep others from copying it?
Stewart is a frequent speaker on intellectual property protection and enforcement for organizations including the International Trademark Association (INTA), American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) and Michigan Bar Association—and is the mastermind behind Fishman Stewart’s wildly popular fish mascot, Sir Finnegan – affectionately known as “Finny.”
About Fishman Stewart PLLC
Celebrating a quarter century in 2021, Fishman Stewart helps turn client creativity into valuable intellectual capital. Since 1996, the firm has obtained tens of thousands of patents and trademarks and represented clients in hundreds of cases in Federal Court. As strategic advisers to CEOs and senior executives, Fishman Stewart attorneys have developed IP management strategies for U.S. and foreign-based companies, from middle market to Fortune 500, to safeguard their business assets throughout the world. To discover how Fishman Stewart leverages intellectual property to effectively protect new product lines, increase market share and head off the competition, visit fishstewip.com.
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