CONTACT: Barbara Fornasiero, EAFocus Communications;; 248.260.8466;

Ann Arbor, Mich. September 12, 2019—Attorneys with the Ann Arbor office of Brinks Gilson & Lione, one of the largest intellectual property law firms in the U.S., have been actively engaged in activities surrounding intellectual property law this summer. Recent publications and speaking engagements include: 

  • Shareholder Jim Cleland served as panel moderator at Autolex: Autonomous Vehicle Legal Forum September 10 in Detroit. The panel included IP counsel from Uber and Visteon, and addressed the topic: “What role does open source play in advancing autonomous vehicle technology?”  Earlier this summer, Cleland also served as a panelist for DBusiness’s breakfast series event, held July 23 at the Wayne State University Mike Ilitch School of Business in Detroit. Focusing on the topic “Mobility as a service,” Cleland discussed setting uniform standards for autonomous vehicle technology, open source patent pooling, and the trend of U.S. trucking fleets playing a large role in transporting goods via autonomous and electric vehicles.
  • Keith Weiss, Ph.D., counsel, published an article titled “Trade Secrets: Reasonable Precautions” in the September/October issue of Res Ipsa Loquitur, a publication of the Washtenaw County Bar Association. On July 29, Weiss also guest lectured at Kettering University on the topic “Intellectual property basics: Competitive intelligence and creating patent landscapes” for Professor Marcy Gilliam’s Chemical Engineering Advanced Design class.
  • On August 14, the Center for Biosimilars published Shareholder Josh Ney, Ph.D.’s, article titled “Exclusivity for Biologic Products Under the USMCA: What Is Changing and What Happens Next?” on its website

Brinks Gilson & Lione

Celebrating more than 100 years of intellectual property law, Brinks Gilson & Lione is one of the largest intellectual property law firms in the US, and helps clients around the world protect and enforce their intellectual property rights. Our lawyers, patent agents and scientific advisors assist clients in all aspects of patent, trademark, unfair competition, trade secret, and copyright law. Brinks attorneys provide informed counsel with respect to innovations in a range of complex and valuable technologies, including pharmaceuticals, chemicals, bioengineering, industrial manufacturing, electronics and software, and medical devices. Visit for more information.
