Event will address how companies can best position themselves within the shifting dynamics of a global economy
Media Contacts: Barbara Fornasiero, EAFocus Communications, barbara@eafocus.com, 248.260.8466; Nicole Kampe, Automation Alley, kampen@automationalley.com, 248.457.3301
TROY, Mich. — December 16, 2020 — International business experts will be on tap to discuss the opportunities and challenges of doing business globally at Automation Alley’s annual Global Economic Outlook for 2021 and Beyond on Thursday, January 14, in a livestream only event from 8:30 a.m.–10:30 a.m. Featured speakers will focus on industries and countries/regions around the world where growth opportunities are particularly strong, examine projected trends in two-way trade and investment flows, identify industries and countries that will either benefit or be challenged by globalization in the short and medium terms, and look at factors closer to home that affect Michigan’s business climate.
James E. Glassman, managing director, JPMorgan Chase & Co. and head economist at Chase Commercial Banking – New York City, will deliver the keynote presentation, “Headwinds and Tailwinds,” while Chris Holman, founder and CEO of Michigan Business Network, will speak on Michigan’s Future Business Index. In addition, Automation Alley Vice President Cynthia Hutchison will introduce the World Economic Forum’s Advanced Manufacturing Hubs (AMHUB), discussing Industry 4.0’s impact on global manufacturing and how regional ecosystems enhance global supply chains. Automation Alley Director of International Business Services and Industry 4.0 Strategic Partnerships, Noel H. Nevshehir, will moderate the event.
“This event is geared toward business managers and industry leaders who monitor trends and want robust information on the state of the global economy in order to strategically plan for 2021 and the future,” Nevshehir said. “Post-pandemic economic recovery and growth are top of mind as companies try to figure out how factors such as COVID-19 and vaccinations, the U.S.-China trade conflict, and an incoming U.S. President amid increasing political polarization will impact the economic equation in our country, state and region.”
Other issues that will be considered include geopolitical risks in China, Iran, North Korea and Russia, black swan events, and potential blind spots that may disrupt the future performance of U.S. business and industry—in addition to Michigan’s economy and the push for Industry 4.0 readiness in the automotive, advanced manufacturing, defense and high-tech sectors. An audience Q & A will conclude the event.
There is no charge to livestream the event, but registration is recommended. To register, or for more information, visit the Automation Alley website, call 800-427-5100 or email info@automationalley.com.
About Automation Alley
Automation Alley is a World Economic Forum Advanced Manufacturing Hub (AMHUB) and a nonprofit Industry 4.0 knowledge center with a global outlook and a regional focus. We facilitate public-private partnerships by connecting industry, education and government to fuel Michigan’s economy and accelerate innovation. Our programs give businesses a competitive advantage by helping them along every step of their digital transformation journey. We obsess over disruptive technologies like AI, the Internet of Things and automation, and work hard to make these complex concepts easier for companies to understand and implement.
The mission of Automation Alley is to help businesses stay in business by equipping them with the necessary knowledge to leverage the intersections of advanced technologies, systems and people to jumpstart or accelerate a digital path to strategic success.
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