Macomb County’s only comprehensive agency responding to the needs of domestic and sexual violence continues to add programs for survivors

Media Contact: Barbara Fornasiero, EAFocus Communications;; 248.260.8466

Mount Clemens, Mich.—December 31, 2021— Turning Point, an agency whose mission is to provide programs and resources that empower survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault to regain control of their lives, has persevered during the pandemic. Turning Point President and CEO Sharman Davenport, Ph.D., said the organization’s new housing programs, introduced in 2020, have been instrumental in countering the fear and hopelessness spawned by the pandemic.

“Confined at home with their abusers during the pandemic, individuals experienced an intense sense of isolation and helplessness,” Davenport said.  “With our new Transitional Housing and Rapid Re-Housing programs, Turning Point can address one of the greatest barriers for survivors – safe and affordable housing – and offer individuals and families a home as they begin to rebuild a life free of violence.”

The Turning Point Transitional Housing Program is available for up to two years at no cost to survivors and their children. The Rapid Re-Housing Program provides rental assistance for up to 12 months. To date, 30 privately-owned housing units between the two programs have been made available throughout Macomb County. Some are traditional homes; others are in apartments or condominiums.

“Both of our housing programs provide an added benefit to the community; landlords receive steady, timely monthly rental payments, which further support the city’s tax base,” Davenport said.

Federal funding for the housing programs comes from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Office of Violence Against Women (OVW), and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). Community Partners of the program include Kelly Services, Huntington Bank, Macomb Community College, and the Macomb Homeless Coalition.

About Turning Point
Turning Point provides comprehensive, free, and confidential programs for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors, their loved ones, and the community. Services include a 24-hour hotline, emergency shelter, housing, trauma advocacy/counseling, personal protection order assistance, legal advocacy, forensic nurse exams, first response advocacy, prevention, and community education. Second Hand Rose, another Turning Point service, provides survivors with gently used items while providing an opportunity for the community to donate and shop. Serving Metro Detroit for 41 years, Turning Point has helped over 100,000 survivors. Visit for more information.

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